Windham, ME
The record high in Windham, ME is 103 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest temperature ever recorded is -26 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s quite a range. While the weather doesn’t always vary that much, you’d better be prepared for both warm and cold weather if you live here.
A heat pump can help you do that. A heat pump moves air from a cooler space to a warmer space, helping both spaces to remain at the temperature they are meant to. Casco Bay Heat Pump has been serving Windham for more than 15 years, assisting both residential and commercial property owners during that time.
While there are certainly plenty of DIY videos now available showing how to do various household tasks, it’s not a good idea to try and install a heat pump without professional assistance. The team at Casco Bay Heat Pump can help you find the unit that gives you the most savings on your energy bills, and make sure it won’t put a strain on your electrical system. Simply put, we provide heat pump installation services that will efficiently help you keep your property at a comfortable temperature all year long!
In Windham, ME, there’s only one name you need to remember when it comes to heat pump installation: Casco Bay Heat Pump. No other local company can match our combination of quality and service. We only install high-quality heat pumps that meet our standards and never try to cut corners just to move on to the next job more quickly. We’re also always available for questions and concerns throughout the project. Contact us today to make an appointment!
We provide Heat Pump Installation Services to the following areas in ME.
Portland, ME | South Portland, ME | Scarborough, ME | Saco, ME | Westbrook, ME
Cape Elizabeth, ME | Old Orchard Beach, ME | Yarmouth, ME | Freeport, ME | Cumberland, ME